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Services // Research Ethics

Research Ethics

AIDD encourages researchers to be engaged in high impact and high-quality research that is also ethically sound and conforms to acceptable standards, which will contribute towards disability-inclusive development and equitable outcomes for people with disabilities and their families. For the goals of collaborative efforts and dissemination of knowledge, AIDD also encourages active linkages and partnerships with education institutions, health facilities and other organizations.


In case of any complaints or reservations regarding the ethical conduct of research with AIDD, please contact the Hurman Reseach Ethics Committee (HREC) Contact Person: Ms. Ayesha Tasnim Mostafa at +88-02-55040839 or send an email to


AIDD Human Research Ethics Committee


The Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) at AIDD serves to ensure that ethical standards are properly in research projects conducted with AIDD and takes into consideration the ethical aspects of research that involve human subjects.

The HREC meets to discuss on a number of matters:

  • Consider new project proposals

  • Receive reports on ongoing projects

  • Consider any problems or complaints that might arise regarding ethical issues in AIDD research activities

  • Review the complains procedures

Committee Composition

The AIDD HREC is comprised of individuals from various backgrounds, the current membership consists of the following persons:

  • Professor Hassan Shahid Suhrawardy (HREC Chair)

  • Professor Mohammad Muhit

  • Professor Shamima Haque Chowdhury Any

  • Professor. Gulam Khandaker

  • Barrister Sazzad Hossain

  • Ms. Tanzina Rahman

  • Dr. Tasneem Karim


​AIDD Research and Ethics Policy


A flowchart showing the various steps in the research and ethics approval process can be found here.


The Research & Ethics policy at AIDD has been designed to ensure that all research being undertaken with and supported by the institution is ethical and in line with our research priorities.

The focus of the Ethics Committee is to review research applications that involve the recruitment of children of the BCPR (Bangladesh Cerebral Palsy Register) or AIDD staff as participants, and the involvement of AIDD facilities and other resources to conduct the project.


Please note that all research applications and supporting documents must be received no later than 5 working days before the next scheduled Ethics Committee Meeting.

2023-2024 Dates for Ethics Committee



Process to conduct research as an Investigator


The AIDD Ethics Committee makes use of a four stage submission process:


Stage 1

Expression of Interest to AIDD


*Note: Experienced researchers or postgraduate students in a supervised research degree may opt to omit this phase and start the process at Stage 3.


The purpose of this phase is to alert the AIDD to your proposal and for you to receive initial feedback about whether it is likely to be approved before you complete a full submission. The institute is assessing whether (a) the project has appropriate supervision, i.e. do no harm, and (b) the resources you request from AIDD to support your project, such as staff time and funds, are a good match with the institution’s agenda.


Document: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to AIDD.


Stage 2

Formal Proposal to AIDD


*Note: Experienced researchers or postgraduate students in a supervised research degree may opt to omit this phase and start the process at Stage 3.


The purpose of this phase is to provide the AIDD with a detailed research plan. The institute is assessing whether (a) the project has sound rigour, i.e. do no harm, and (b) it is feasible to recruit the sample group you are proposing to work with and that they are not currently being over-researched by other projects underway.


Document: Application for Research Approval to the AIDD.


Stage 3

Formal Application to Ethics Committee

The purpose of this phase is for the Ethics Committee to assess the ethical principles including: respect for people; potential benefits versus harm; and justice.

Please note: All documents to be submitted as part of an ethics applications must be listed in a summary table in the cover letter to the Ethics Committee. Please ensure the filenames for all documents start with the project reference (if known) and a numbering format, including version number and date, to indicate the order in which the files are to be collated for the committee.

A list of the official AIDD documents and forms required for this process are provided below:



Stage 4

BMRC (Bangladesh Medical Research Council) Clearance


Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) has an ethical review committee, the National Research Ethics Committee (NREC) which serves as national ethical committee of the country.

Each and every Project Proposal approved by the Scientific Review Committee must get ethical clearance before funding by the Council.


The Ethical Committee also provides ethical clearance to research studies not funded by the BMRC involving human subjects to be conducted in Bangladesh by Bangladeshi or foreign researchers.


The clearance procedure at BMRC involves a separate series of steps that are outlined in the Ethical Clearance Application Form, it includes submission of project description and details, supporting documents, budget, and a review and processing fee. It is mandatory to apply for ethical clearance and obtain approval from the National Research Ethics Committee (NREC). To find out more about obtaining clearance from BMRC, prospective researchers are encouraged to thoroughly explore the official BMRC website and be informed about official procedures. AIDD will provide some support with the process at this stage.


Link to the official BMRC Website


BMRC Forms:


BMRC Ethics Clearance Application Form

BMRC Research Grant Application Form

Note: It is recommended that you visit the official BMRC (Bangladesh Medical Research Council) website to be up to date on the BMRC Forms and associated procedures.


To download the official BMRC Application Forms please visit the link below:



More Information


For any queries, please email our Human Research Ethics Committee at

© 2024 by Asian Institute of Disability and Development. AIDD . 

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