Fostering inclusion through evidence and empowerment

Research // Archived Research Collection
Completed and Archived Research
A list and along with the links to previous research projects of AIDD can be viewed here.
Participant-centred active surveillance of adverse events following immunisation: a narrative review
Global Childhood Deaths From Pertussis: A Historical Review
Risk factors for dental caries among children with cerebral palsy in a low-resource setting
Interventions to prevent respiratory diseases - Nutrition and the developing world
Migration study of lens opacities in Bangladeshi adults in London and Bangladesh: a pilot study
Generating Evidence for Program Planning: Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness in Bangladesh
Cataract Surgery Outcomes in Bangladeshi Children
Infectious Causes of Childhood Disability: Results from a Pilot Study in Rural Bangladesh
Causes of poor outcome after cataract surgery in Satkhira district, Bangladesh
Causes of severe visual impairment and blindness in Bangladesh: a study of 1935 children
The key informant method: A novel means of ascertaining blind children in Bangladesh